The second phase includes enlarging the playground and adding a set of swings. “Most every playground I ever saw has a set of swings. Those offering input and the park board agreed. Phase two will provide them,” stated Dale A. Alexander, Executive Director. He said, “The generosity of Tom and Darlene McCalmont and the County Commissioners permitted the park district to build the playground this year.” Another Nature Works grant has been applied for phase 2 and the park district will find whether they are successful yet again.
“Since funding is limited, Nature Works is an extremely important grant opportunity for this park district. ODNR has done a great job with the administration of Nature Works,” stated Alexander. Game Time, the playground manufacturer, has a matching grant that will provide up to 100% match for the playground equipment. That could save about 30% of the cost of the playground. However, the Game Time grant is only available this fall. Regardless, fundraising and contributions will be required to complete phase 2.